Admission Open 2024-25
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Admission Criteria - 
Candidates who have passed Intermediate of U.P.Board or (10 + 2) standard form other Boards with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subject along with one of the  
Biology/Mathematicsc are eligible for admission to lst year of B.Pharm course.
Candidates who have passed two year Diploma (with minium 60%marks) form institution in Pharmacy are only eligible for admisson to 2nd year of B.Pharm 
Admission are made strictly in accordance with the merit list of UPSEE.

Fee Structure -
As per the decision taken by the State Government.

The Infrastructure -
All the classroom are speciously designed  and are well furnished with necessary technical teaching aids like OHP, slide projector. LCD projector, PA systems and other online information systems.

Library -
The library a collection of meticulously closen 5400 books on different subject of pharmacy & 19 journals of national and international repute. Magazines and newspapers are subscribed in the library in the periodical section.

The Laboratories -

department of Pharmaceuties : -
The Institute has 3 undergraduate pharmaceuties laboratories. The labs are well epuipped with equipment, glassware & chemicals to carry out the necessary experimentation work as prescribed in the syllabus of B. Pharm.

Pharmaceutical microbiology Laboratory :-
The microology biotiology laboratiory is well equipped with instrument like Aseptic room with laminar airflow cabinet. Bacterial colony counter autoclave and zone reader.

Machine Room -
This laboratories is built with table punching machine, pan coater Disolution apparatus, disintegration apparatus, ampule filling & sealing machine. Reynolds apparatus, venurimeter and orificemeter, vaccum filter unit, friability test apparatus, capsule filling machine.

Instrument Room : -
The central instrument room consist of Karl - Fischer instrument, Abbe's refractometer, pH meter, polory meter, Conductivity meter, Potentioment.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry :
The institute has 3 undergraduate pharmaceutical chemistry laboratories. The labs are well equipped with equipment, glassware & chemical to carry out the necessary experimentation work as prescibed in the syllabus of B. Pharm.

Department of Pharmcognosy : -
It is equipped with instrument like Soxhelet apparatus, Cone Perocolator, Distillation unit, Permanent slide, Compound and Disecting microscope, Medicinal Plant chart.

Medicinal Garden :-
The college comperises of a beautiful tubal garden consisting of more than fifty plants of medicnal importance.



Pharmacy College

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